The Tactical Simulation Center in Pardubice was built in 2011 within the Flight Training Center CLV, the founder of which is LOM Praha s.p. Simulation training is an important modern element not only of the tactical air force, which allows training in solving various tactical and combat situations beyond the line of sight BVR, with the support of the ground control interception GCI or advanced joint forward air controller JFAC.
The center is built in cooperation with the subsidiary VR Group a.s., which supplies state-of-the-art technologies enabling faithful simulation of tactical aviation platforms used by the Czech Army, but also by alliance partners, including weapon systems.

Compared to real aircraft training, it is possible to perform maneuvers and procedures on simulators that would be difficult and risky to perform in live training, including simulation of launch and effect at the target of air-guided missiles.
Students of the Air Force Department, specialization military pilots and air traffic controllers, have the opportunity to participate in the training of tactical and training squadrons, which can experience the principles and procedures of air operations and thus enrich their theoretical knowledge.
Author: OF-2 Ondrej Mach, OF-5 Miloslav Bauer