From April 4 to April 7, 2022, the basic course of the Air Force Command and Control System took place in Veszprém, Hungary, the Air Operations Command and Control Center with the international participation of representatives of air force specialists from Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia.
This course focuses on understanding the principles and organization of air force deployment, including the planning and conduct of air force operations in an international alliance environment. The lessons were led by instructors from the JFAC Operations Command, JFAC, Kalkar, to illustrate the basic Air C2 planning cycle of NATO Air Force operations through the practical implementation of an imaginary scenario.

The purpose of this course is to train personnel to support the AirC2 component in the NATO structure. He deepens the knowledge of academic staff of the Department of Aviation applied to the imaginary scenario of the deployment of alliance units, including the air component.
Author: Ondřej Mach