On 8 December 2022, a second expert workshop was held as one of the planned outputs of the Defence Research Project Znalec (POV Znalec). The workshop aimed to present the achieved results of the research and subject them to expert discussion with representatives from the Ministry. Representatives from the Internal Audit and Inspection Department of the MoD, the Armaments and Acquisitions Section, the Industrial Cooperation Section of the MoD, the Logistics Section of the MoD, the Military Police, the Secretary of State’s Section, as well as forensic experts from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University and Brno University of Technology were invited to the expert discussion. The expert discussion resulted in conclusions and recommendations for further steps in the project.

The POV Znalec project aims at assessing the capabilities and approaches to obtaining the ability of expert activities in the valuation of combat equipment, military equipment and military material in the conditions of the Ministry of Defence. The University of Defence implements the project in close cooperation with experts from the Institute of Forensic Engineering of the Brno University of Technology. The project focuses on:
- evaluation of the possibility of creating an expert workplace in the conditions of the Ministry of Defence;
- preparation of a draft Czech Defence Standard (ČOS) Valuation of combat equipment and military equipment;
- designing educational activities for experts valuing combat equipment and military armament.