On November 7, 2018, the 7th Expert Day of the Department of Logistics and the 13th Conference on Management and Management of Property, Management of Use and Maintenance of Ground Military Equipment took place at the University of Defense in charge of chief the Logistics Department.
The aim of the meeting was to provide to students of all logistics branches, practitioners and invited guests with actual knowledge of logistics support with focus on management, asset management and management of operation of military equipment in the ACR. During the meeting, current logistics issues were discussed. At the meeting, 46 students and 50 practitioners, teachers or former teachers were invited.

Dean of the Faculty Colonel (GS) Associate Professor Ivo PIKNER, Ph.D. came to greet and pay tribute of the conference and spoke about the importance of logistics for the ACR. Head of Logistics Department Colonel (GS) Dr. habil. Pavel FOLTIN, Ph.D. in his speech focused on the system of education of logistics branches at the University of Defense and the present and future mission of the Department. Colonel (GS) Daniel ZLATNÍK, Director of the MLCC in Prague, spoke about the mission of MLCC, their main tasks, and pointed to the link with the Department of Logistics in favor of the international training of logistics experts. On the education of logistics branches and possible cooperation underlined the Chief of the Section of Preparation of Logistics Specialties at the VeV – VA major Rudolf LIŠKA. Involved in the meeting were the invited civilian companies, cooperating with the Department of Logistics and the ACR. Presentations of Mr. Mgr. Pavel DOŠKO, EXcalibur Army, General Manager and owner of AURA company Mr. Filip ENGELSMAN and Mr. Petr HAJNÝ, representative of HUTIRA Company.
At the expert day and conference, a total of 14 contributions and at least 30 ustions were asked. All participants, students and experts in the field of logistics, evaluated the meeting as expertly successful and beneficial.
Author: Jaromír Mareš