Young men and women who filled Brno’s central square on 28 July counted one-hundred and fifty-two. They wore parade military uniforms and lined up for the ceremony that closes their five-year university studies.
Marching to the centre of the square along with their younger mates, the new graduates from the only military university in the Czech Republic opened the ceremony. Their blocks heard greetings from the deputy minister or defence Tomáš Kopečný, counsellor to the Chief of General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces brigadier general Lenka Šmerdová, and representatives of other universities, state administration, municipal government and collaborating organisations who gathered on VIP stage.
2022 best graduate is female
Several addresses were delivered by the VIP guests to the graduates, and then the best graduate of the year played for all of them at an act of commissioning at which the rector-commandant of the University of Defence brigadier general Zuzana Kročová dubbed the best graduate’s shoulder with the university sword in front of the school flag of colours, in the sign of passing out the year. The best graduate of 2022 is lieutenant Jana Cendelínová, a female student of “Aircraft – Avionics and Armament” specialisation within the five-year “Military Technologies – Electrical” study programme presented by the Faculty of Military Technology.

The just passed lieutenant thanked on behalf of all the graduates to the university – teachers and lecturers for thorough and purposeful preparation to serve as military professionals and to their parents, friends and schoolmates for their support during studies.
”We are going to report at our first service appointments in a few days what we are looking for and therefore, as military professionals, we have to be ready for everything under every circumstances. We will do our best you can be proud of us,” said lieutenant Cendelínová to the crowded square.
Prizes and rewards from the minister and the university
Seven best students received gifts of performance appreciation from the minister of defence and the following nine on the list received rewards given by the rector-commandant. The deans of the Faculty of Military Leadership and of the Faculty of Military Technology rewarded then other seven and four graduates, respectively.

The entire ceremony had a prelude of helicopter formation flying over the square while L-159 Alca fighters decorated the final march and conclusion in the form of graduates shouting in unison “we serve our land” and throwing their caps high in the air.
Author:Aleš Pelikán; photo: Aleš Mylan