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The success in the prestigious medical journal with IF 54.42

25. 5. 2015

The scientists from the Departmentof Epidemiology, Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defense tested a new vaccineagainst stripherpes inadults. The received results of this clinical study have been published in oneof the most prestigiousjournalTheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the new candidate vaccine in its ability to reduce a risk of getting shingles in adults. The results showed high, 97.2% effectiveness of the new vaccine. Only three specialized military centers in the Czech Republic were involved in this international evaluation study. Not…

Minister of Defence Visits the Faculty of Military Health Sciences

13. 2. 2015

Czech Minister of Defence Martin Stropnický visited the University of Defence’ Faculty of Military Health Sciences in Hradec Kralove on Monday, 2 February 2015. Colonel Jiří Páral as the head of the Faculty welcomed the guest to Faculty’s premises and presented the work of the eight departments. Then minister took a tour to the laboratories and Vivarium. Colonel Páral, who is also the head of Military Surgery Department,…


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